Hey there!
Thanks for visiting my blog. My name is Emilio, I am 35 years of age and I live in Uruguay. If you don’t know where that is, go grab an atlas. Or watch the episode where Homer Simpson pokes fun at the name of the country. Any way or the other you will find it out.

Well, I did the hard work for you. You already owe me one.
I started this blog in 2009, just for the fun of it. In the beginning, I used to write about these bands I loved like The Who or The Smiths. But eventually, the focus changed. Upon publishing my first two books of poetry (Once and Ten) I realized how hard it was for a young artist to promote his own work. And I started reviewing unsigned and independent artists.
And before I knew it, some incredibly strong bonds were formed. I came to realize that music is not the art of combining sounds. It’s the art of combining friends.
This gave birth to my third (and final) book: Ayer La Lluvia. And when it came to presenting it, I decided to do a festival that coupled music and literature, featuring all these musicians I had become acquainted with. It made just too much sense – their stories actually populated the book.
And so, Ayer La Lluvia was presented 17 times all over Uruguay. We brought the book to scenarios where no literary events had ever been held, and at one point many musicians from Argentina became involved in the events. The big finale was at the Sala Zitarrosa in Montevideo, and the Argentine band Cuentos Borgeanos closed the show.
Ever since, I have devoted myself to journalism. It’s the most fulfilling endeavour I know, and the one activity that I feel contours my heart in the shape I truly want it to be.
You can reach me at: emiliomusicko {at} gmail {dot} com
Please note: every picture and video file that is included on this blog is included for educational purposes only. If there is something which should not be here, please get in touch with me and I will remove it immediately.
Came across your website and it’s great! Yeah I do know where Uruguay is – some people actually do. I read parts one and two of the interview with Rex Benson but part 3 didn’t load – is that available or just having technical difficulties? Really want to read the rest! I also like the British sound – especially the Beatles, who can top that? They’re timeless. Check out our music sites (the rest are listed under my first one up there), I have some obviously Beatles influenced pop/rock and other styles on my site…most in progress but some went #1 on the site as is. Keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot, Chana! Hope to see you around often. I am checking your music right now…
Hey Emilio,
Nice website. You might want to check out my review of Quadrophenia!
Emilo, muy buen post te felicito, sin duda que eres ua persona que save mucho de musica y si bien yo creia que algo dominaba de la materia ahora me doy cuenta que realmente no se nada, Felicidades¡¡¡¡
Emilio, very good post I congratulate you, no doubt you are ua person who save a lot of music and although I thought that something of the matter dominated now I realize I really know nothing, Congratulations
The truth was nice to meet you today at the record store
¡Arriba, Adrián! El placer fue mío, ¡estamos en contacto!
Muy bueno el blog Emilio,
Llegue por el review que hiciste de Laura Chinelli.
Adelante con el blog.
Saludos desde Barcelona
¡Grande Matías! ¡Muchas gracias!
Hi Emilio, good blog, and good revenues on bands. Check my web and see if you find any interesting band to write about.
Best regards
Thanks, Charlie! You work with some interesting bands, I would love to review them here.
We’ll certainly keep in touch!
Hola Emilio!
Como estas tanto tiempo?
Te cuento que saque un disco solista el mes pasado y me gustaría que le hicieras un review! En mi pagina lo podes escuchar enterito: http://www.ignaciovecino.com
Estaría bueno! Abrazo!
¡Estimado! Con mucho gusto comentaré tu disco, dame un tiempo para ponerme al día, y lo incluiré en MusicKO lo antes que pueda.
Hi Emilio,
I like your web site. Keep up the good work. We will be reading!
Thanks, guys! We’ll be in touch.
Como va? Muy buena la pagina..te felicito.
Somos una banda nueva de Uruguay, Marvin Bridge & The Haddocks
Te dejo el link para que escuches el material que tenemos hasta ahora:
Arriba gente, cuando quieran armamos una nota.
Muy buen sitio! arriba uruguay
Hola Emilio, vi tu mensaje en la web de coutinho y me parecio super interesante contactarte, la verdad es que toco algunos instrumentos y hace muy poco me inicie en la produccion, la verdad es que me gusta mucho el pop y la musica electronica y muchos otros estilos, mi idea es un poco mas adelante hacer algunas cosas en ingles, tal vez me puedas dar una mano y sino estar en contacto por el simple hecho de ser dos amantes de la musica, un abrazo grande.Te deje ahi mi facebook y mail para estar en contacto.
Came across this blog whilst looking for other peoples’ appreciation for Elvis Costello’s lyrics!….. That was an hour ago.
Great honest writing with an even better taste in music.
All the best,