TuneCrank – Interview (Part 2)

(Check the first part of this interview here)



When did you become interested in music? What was the first album or single you ever purchased?

The Beatles, Ace of Base, Counting Crows, Wu Tang all in the same memory haze…

Are you in a band yourself, or have you been in a band in the past? Is there a clip on YouTube or elsewhere we could watch?

Let’s not go there.

Musical likes and dislikes? Favorite artists?

Johnny’s Body
, Kingston Hughes, Felix, Jack Trainer and Bend to name but a few!

If you had to name the song that moves you the most, what would it be? Can you pinpoint the reason why?

Lady With the Red Dress On by Snow. It was one of the tunes we were playing while building the site.

Is there a song that – to you – captures the spirit of your startup and what you have set out to do? What would it be?

Hands down. It would be this one here.

1 thought on “TuneCrank – Interview (Part 2)

  1. Pingback: TuneCrank – Interview (Part 1) | MusicKO

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