James McCartney’s recently told the BBC that he and Sean Lennon, Dhani Harrison and Jason Starkey have discussed the possibility of banding together, and emulating their illustrious fathers.
Zak Starkey has expressed no interest in the project, and young McCartney has even stated that if Jason is not up for the job then he wouldn’t mind playing the role of drummer himself.
The impact and significance this band could really have remains moot, but it’s sure got everybody talking and speculating.
And here in Uruguay, this story couldn’t come at a better time. The whole country is abuzz with Paul McCartney’s first-ever Uruguayan performance, to take place in one week’s time. Macca will play the Estadio Centenario on the 15th of April.
As you can imagine, it’s an event I wouldn’t miss for anything in the world. I’ll be there, and I’ll duly review the gig afterwards.
And just to add to the mood of excitement, I’d like to share the 10 zaniest Beatles covers I’ve managed to find online with everybody else. Below you’ll find the first five. I’ll publish the second batch tomorrow.
From Me To You (Walk Off The Earth)
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Cover Tune Grab)
Something (KCLR)
Across The Universe (Austin Criswell)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Jamie Allensworth and Marty Schwartz)