OneSheet – Build A Rich Profile Page For Your Band

Name: OneSheet

With MySpace sinking into the sunset of its existence after having been sold for a pittance of its former value, the game of thrones for its successor has started in the strongest possible way. The first player to have made a move is this new startup, which is the brainchild of Brenden Mulligan (founder of ArtistData, a very well-respected syndication tool for musicians to post information online). OneSheet is its name, and we can define it as a centralizer of any band’s activity on the Internet.

People who use the service log in with their Facebook accounts, and then they can have their data exported from musician-specific sites such as ReverbNation and Bandcamp, as well as from sites such as YouTube, Posterous and Tumblr. All the data featured there will be aggregated together, and displayed in a profile page whose layout bands can actually determine themselves.

The most advantageous aspect of this site is that such a profile page is going to be updated the minute any of the sites that users have linked to it are updated. That is, if the band posts a new video to YouTube then that will be featured on their OneSheet page, without them having to lift a finger or do anything at all. The same applies to all the content they post on Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous…  To all intents and purposes, the artists that go for this service will have a self-updating profile page that can be set up in less than half an hour.

Time will tell whether this service can reach the heights MySpace reached in its heyday. But there’s no denying it has made a start on the right foot. We’ll see how events play themselves out from now, and which competitors begin flanking it…