Tweet My Song – Share & Promote Your Music Using Twitter

Tweet My Song

Name: Tweet My Song

As everybody knows, Twitter is a messaging platform that lets people connect instantly via short messages that go by the name of “tweets”. Since it has an incredible flexible API, a lot of apps see release on a daily basis. This particular one caught my fancy since it is 100 % geared towards musicians.

As you can guess by glancing at its name, it will let you share your own music with everybody using Twitter. That is, you upload your song as an attachment to your tweet and then send both (the tune and the message) out at the same time. It is even possible to upload you own artwork, and once the message is out you are provided with a tracking tool to see who downloaded your song and so on.

Anything that has to do with Twitter has two characteristics: A) It is fast, and B) It is effective. Tweet My Song stays true to that formula, and if we think about the fact that no less than 50 million people are actively found on Twitter nowadays, turning your back on something like it is akin to shooting a bazooka in your foot. And like the vast majority of Twitter apps, Tweet My Song is absolutely free to use. I definitely advice you to give it a glance at the very least. If you are not already a Twitterer, this is an excellent excuse to get going.

4 thoughts on “Tweet My Song – Share & Promote Your Music Using Twitter

  1. Pingback: William Rodríguez (Tweet My Song) – Interview (Part 1) | MusicKO

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