Moof – Listening To Music The Social Way


Name: Moof


In which ways are you currently using the WWW to access these songs that you have always liked, and the ones that you want to listen to for the first time? I bet many of you are already acquainted with the concept of listening to music socially, but if that is alien to you this site is a prime example of how that is achieved and the advantages it can yield.

You see, Moof will provide you with a player that is browser-based and which has all the functionalities that we associate with desktop players. This player will let you listen to the audio of any video currently found on YouTube. If you do some quick math, this means that you will be able to listen to a zillion tunes since the number of videos that are uploaded there in a day alone are more than a NASA calculator could cope with.

Best of all, it is all available at no cost. Just register on the site and give it a try for free. There is no need to set up anything – you just input your search and up, up and away you go. Let us all know how it worked out for you in the comments, and whether you are coming back to it or not. Is this the future of online music? What do you think?