Tastebuds – Find A Perfect Match Based On Your Favorite Music


Name: Tastebuds
URL: http://www.tastebuds.fm

As much as I try not to babble all the time about music when I first meet someone, I always end up doing so if the other person shows a certain degree of interest in any of the bands I like. The thing is, not a lot of people where I live know who the heck The Who or XTC are, so I mostly end up taking about the value that music has in people’s lives, blah, blah. As a matter of fact, I have a small group of CDs in my collection that I like to call “social” albums – these are albums by artists I don’t really like but that everybody else adores like U2, The Ramones and Bon Jovi. Whenever I host a party, these are the albums I bring to the room where the Hi-fi will be located. Playing “That Wave”, “Rook” and “Omnibus” is not something that lets anybody find common ground here in Uruguay.

I wanted to tell you that because the site I am reviewing today is centered on forming relationships between people based on the music that they like. It is not exactly a dating site, but it matches you with another single who shares your very same musical tastes. You will take it from there, in the direction you want to take it.

The matching process itself works in two different ways. The first is faster, but it necessitates you having a Last.fm account since Tastebuds checks it and sees exactly what kind of music you like. A series of matches is then produced.

On the other hand, those who don’t have a Last.fm account will have to submit the information manually. The end result is the same: a list of people that are in your wavelength.

I sincerely found this site quite appealing, but I am terribly biased, of course. The thing is, if you read this blog you will be too. Musical affinity must be one of the strongest bonds you know, and something that you believe in with all your soul. Just like I do. And I find it hard to even imagine that you won’t like a site like Tastebuds.fm.

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