Evidence Of A Facebook Music App Surfaces

Facebook Music Is Becoming More And More Of A Tangible Reality

We will have to wait until August for Facebook to announce what its much-speculated music service is going to be all about. Yet, a coder who was trying to get Facebook’s new Skype-powered chat to work found something quite interesting on the program that must be installed to activate such a service.

This person (whose named is Jeff Rose) has discovered that the installer supports not one but two applications. One is related to the video chat client itself, and it is called “Peep”. The other, now, is called “Vibes”. And it is blatantly obvious “Vibes” is connected with a music service. The code in question makes it clear its users will be given the chance to download music found online. Just take a look at it:

if (paramString.equals(“com.facebook.peep”))
return this.window.getMember(“VideoChatPlugin”);
if (paramString.equals(“com.facebook.vibes”)) {
return this.window.getMember(“MusicDownloadDialog”);}

The next F8 Conference will be held on August. The exact date is yet to be announced, but we know for sure it is revolving around music. The exact nature of Facebook’s music service and a deal with Spotify are the hottest items on the agenda.

The Birth Of Facebook Music

Soon You Will Be Listening To Music On Facebook

Big news today as it has just been announced that the next F8 Conference will revolve around one thing: music. I’m sure someone at MySpace is having a heart attack right now…

The Internet has been abuzz with discussions concerning a possible Facebook and Spotify alliance, but Zuckerberg himself denied that. And most people (count me in) also saw such an alliance as unviable. But now it has been confirmed that Facebook and Spotify have indeed been discussing a joint service. And what’s even more interesting, Facebook has also been approaching other music service providers. If it’s not Spotify (again – I stand my previous ground), then it’s surely going to be an America-based startup. Which makes more sense, owing to the legal implications of streaming music online.

We can only try and guess which features Facebook music will have, but it’s fair to assume that a tab reading “Music” will be displayed on the left-hand side of the screen, right with your friends, groups and places, and that clicking on it will let you stream songs live from the one service that becomes Facebook’s music partner.

With Facebook being the most visited site on Earth, this can be the death knell not only for MySpace but also for services like Apple’s own Ping. We’ll have to wait until August to know more, as that is when the F8 Conference will be held and all these questions will be answered for good.