21 Number Ones (Kenny Rogers) – Compilation Album

The Artwork & The Packaging Are Excellent

The Artwork & The Packaging Are Excellent

Kenny Rogers is one of these country artists that have achieved immense success in the pop and adult charts. Although I am very fond of country sounds, I always postponed buying a compilation of his because the ones I had listened to had a preponderance of ballads, and just a slice of country numbers. Last year, however, I saw this generous compilation at one of the annual sales that CD Warehouse (one of the major record stores in Uruguay) holds at a price that made taking a chance a negligible matter.

“Generous” is the perfect word for this. Released in early 2006, it features all of Mr. Rogers’ chart topping cuts as well as a bonus track, and the CD clocks at almost 80:00. The booklet is also very informative, with liner notes penned by the man himself. Continue reading