I am uncertain how many of you are acquainted with the name of Roger Linn. But I know for sure everybody knows the musical instrument that he created and introduced in 1979: the first drum machine that could use samples of a real drum kit.
That instrument was named the LM-1 Drum Computer. Two more would follow: the LinnDrum and the Linn 9000, and whenever you listen to a prototypical 80s’ song you are listening to any of these in nine out of ten cases.

Born In 1925, Roger Linn Was To Create The Drum Machine That We All Associate With The Sound Of The 80s
Now, Roger Linn is bound to make headlines again as he is working hard on a new piece of hardware. Named The LinnStrument, it couldn’t come at a better time – Apple’s iPad has turned tablets and slates into the trendiest things around.
Here you can see for yourself what the hoopla is all about: