Bliss My Heart is a new electro pop project from Paris. Led by singer/songwriter Jenna, its first three-song EP is entitled “Morningstar”. It takes on her love of the music of Bauhaus, Depeche Mode and Lana del Rey, the three artists she relates to the most. I had the chance to interview Jenna via e-mail, and below you will find the very interesting answers she provided regarding how she connects with the world and conveys her very emotion through music, as well as some insight on her upcoming releases and activities.
What is the first musical memory you have?
When I was 7 years old, my father worked as Moon Martin’s manager. One day, Moon was at home to record an álbum, and there were many guitars at home. I also remember my father bringing me to a music festival. It was very cool!
And when did you first arrive at the resolution of pursuing a career in the music industry?
I wrote my first song when I was 13. I understood from a very young age that music would be very important in my life. I have always written music and lyrics, sung, played guitar, piano… And I have always wanted to be in a serious musical project. When I met Damien Badey & Eddy Rateni last year, I knew it was the right moment to do it!
What was the inspiration for your first EP, “Morningstar”? When did you write these three songs? What was the reason or concept in choosing these three over any others you may have stocked already?
The inspiration for “Morningstar“ came from a journey I undertook. I visited places like California, Nevada, Monaco and London. And each and every time, I needed to set down my feelings in music. Cities like LA, Indian Wells or Goodsprings (in Nevada) gave me a lot of energy to compose music.
I wrote many songs, but we decided on those 3 to start the project, and record an EP. We’re working on new tracks right now.
In general, how do you write music? What is the process you usually follow?
I need to be alone to write music and lyrics. I do this job at home with my piano, my guitar and my computer. Then, as the demo is ready, I send it to Damien and Eddy. They work on the arrangements and the mix. We record vocals at Damien’s studio in Paris, and then Pete Maher masters the songs.
On the press release for “Morningstar” you mention three artists that are very strong points of reference: Bauhaus, Depeche Mode and Lana del Rey. Can you point out something you value in each one of them as artists, and that you have made a conscious effort to integrate or replicate in your own music?
I think Bauhaus is the first band that ever gave me the feeling (and also the need) to create music in a serious, committed way. The voice of Peter Murphy is awesome. I’m in love with Lana Del Rey’s universe, her wordplay is amazing I love her references, and her Californian side as well. I like what she says. Depeche Mode is the best band I’ve ever seen in concert in my life. I love how they process their music. The song “Going Backward“ is one of their best songs.
These 3 bands all have a different energy, and a different way to introduce their emotions. And I relate to that.
What is your understanding of South American music? Specifically, which artists from the RIver Plate región (IE Uruguay and Argentina) are known in your country, independently of the musical genres they ess
I know Elli Medeiros, as she is famous is France. And I also know and like Andrés Calamaro, and his band “Los Abuelos de la Nada”. You have amazing music. Very intense and very interesting. A french singer “Benjamin Biolay” released a record which is called “Palermo Hollywood” he recorded it in Buenos Aires, and it’s a favorite of mine!
What are your plans for the foreseeable future? Do you have more releases already scheduled? And when the time to play live and tour comes again, what would be your preferred context and setting for sharing your songs?
Because of the actual situation, it’s very hard to project anything regarding live music. We are working on a new track with my team, and right now I am focused on promoting my EP. And I also released a new video clip last week, “A Rose Diary“. The clip was shot in Les Alpes French Mountains, and it stars an adorable Huskie!
And given the opportunity to record or tour with any artist in the world, who would it be, and why?
I would be very happy to record with Dave Gahan and Axl Rose. I love their universes, and the way they play and compose music. “Estranged“ from Guns N’Roses is one of the best song in the world.