“Faros Ciegos” de La Mujer Pájaro (Bizarro Records, 2018)

– … pero entonces, al fin y al cabo, lo que ustedes hacen es pop.

– Bueno, sí. Tenés razón. Es pop. Pero a la música pop no hay que trivializarla por su condición de tal. ¿Y sabés por qué? Porque habla de los sueños y los anhelos de las personas. Y si trivializas la música pop, también estás trivializando eso.

Esa es parte de una charla que se dio en los 70s entre un periodista y Ray Charles de los Kinks. En ese entonces, el grupo experimentaba un resurgimiento como rockeros de estadio, y quien hacía la nota buscaba soslayar su credibilidad remitiéndose a los incontables éxitos que Davies compuso en los 60s como “Waterloo Sunset”. Para Charles, la entrevista terminó siendo poco menos que un asedio, y dirimió la situación diciendo nada más y nada menos que la pura verdad.

Y qué mejor que recurrir a los conceptos del hombre que eventualmente sería proclamado “el padre del britpop” para presentar “Faros Ciegos”, el álbum que La Mujer Pájaro editó la semana pasada con la discográfica uruguaya Bizarro Records.

Quizá la valoración que mejor le cuadre a este álbum es la que también se le puede aplicar a “Face Dances” de The Who: un disco de rock producido como si fuera pop. “Faros Ciegos” presenta eso mismo, un sonido que se ha dulcificado con relación a lo que había sido “La Calma de las Cosas Quietas”, el debut de La Mujer Pájaro editado en 2016. Éste fue producido por sus propios integrantes, y publicado de modo independiente muy poco tiempo después de que la banda comenzara a existir como tal en 2015. Continue reading

“Celebración” by Garo Arakelián (Video)

garo arakelian un mundo sin gloria

“Celebración” [Celebration] is one of the tracks on Garo Arakelián’s debut album that hits the hardest. And now, the song has got a promotional video to go with it.

This clip was shot at the Teatro Macció, in the City of San José de Mayo. It was directed by filmmaker Pablo Stoll, and it features Garo and his band getting ready for a show while a former star finds himself stranded where dreams and reality collide.

Garo Arakelián was a key figure in the history of Uruguayan rockers La Trampa. To a lot of people, the band’s credence was rooted in his literate approach to songwriting.
“Un Mundo Sin Gloria” [A World Without Glory] is his first solo album. It has been issued by Bizarro.

In case you want to know more about La Trampa, then check this review of “Laberinto” – while neither fans nor critics single that particular album out, it is the one record by theirs that I feel puts emotions together more expertly.

Auto (Mateo Moreno) – Uruguayan Music

"Auto" Is The First Solo Album Issued By Former NTVG Member Mateo Moreno

"Auto" Is The First Solo Album Issued By Former NTVG Member Mateo Moreno

The debut of Mateo Moreno (the former bass player for No Te Va Gustar, and one of its founding members) hit the shelves in Uruguay in 2009. Mateo is actually a multi-instrumentalist, and he handled the majority of guitars (including charangos) and also some percussion on his first solo offering. He also arranged all woodwinds and strings.

I became interested enough to buy this album upon listening to its first single (the outstanding “Simple”) on the radio. The song is a true capsule of sensibility and sensitivity in which different facets of affection are studied as if they were in the same plane, concluding in each case that love is a simple manifestation in itself. You can try to overcomplicate it, and you can also try to make it stand even simpler than it is. It will be all to no avail.

“Simple” is the best cut of the whole disc, and I also have a lot of time for the unbridled folk of “Souvenir” and the moody “Princesa Oscura” [Dark Princess], a song that mixes electronic passages with autochthonous sections in a surprisingly spontaneous way. And those who long for Mateo’s own evolution of the sound of No Te Va Gustar can always check out “Anestesiandote” [Anesthetizing Yourself], the best exponent of rock & roll the disc has to offer. Continue reading