Is Rebecca Black The New Justin Bieber?

Singer/songwriter Rebecca Black Has Got A Lot Of Attention Recently, But The Adoration Is Clearly Being Ironic.

Singer/songwriter Rebecca Black Has Got A Lot Of Attention Recently, But The Adoration Is Clearly Being Ironic.

Rebecca Black is a singer/songwriter that has become publicly-known after her song “Friday” was derisorily mentioned by comedian Michael J. Nelson on a tweet. Nelson remarked that the clip Rebecca shot for “Friday” answered the question of “What’s the worst video ever made?” more or less uniformly.

Interest on her picked up from there. Rebecca got a mention on the Comedy Central series Tosh.0, and she has been a trending topic on Twitter for the last couple of days.

Her song “Friday” has been written off time and again, but some were also quick to point that even though the song is a million miles away from being a masterpiece, it has a certain catchiness that hints at (some) potential.

I guess it’s all going to be a matter of which career moves Rebecca makes now, while all eyes are on her…

10 Best Viral Video Remixes on YouTube (Part 2)

This is the second part of the feature that I started yesterday. The first part included classics like “Charlie Bit Me” and “This Is Sparta!” being turned into songs. Now, get ready to enjoy other gems like the timeless “Leave Britney Alone!”  and “Bacon is Good For Me”.

6– Leave Britney Alone!

7– Bill O’Reilly Flips Out

8– Bacon Is Good For Me

9– Weezer  – Pork And Beans

10– Double Rainbow

10 Best Viral Video Remixes on YouTube (Part 1)

What happens to a meme when it can’t go any higher? Easy: it gets remixed into a music video.

This is a list of the 10 most popular videos on YouTube that have undergone that treatment. Chances are you will already be familiar with about 9 out of 10 of them in their original incarnations. Hopefully, these remixes will make you smile like the first time you saw them.

1 – Nintendo 64

2 – Charlie Bit Me

3 – David After Dentist

4 – This Is Sparta

5 – Leeroy Jenkins

Continue reading Part 2 of this feature.