Lanzamiento de “Ayer La Lluvia” de Emilio Pérez Miguel (Rumbo Editorial)

ALL Tapa y ContratapaEl próximo sábado es el lanzamiento de “Ayer La Lluvia”, mi primer libro en prosa. Lo presento en un festival de música y literatura, junto a artistas jóvenes que he conocido desde que nació este blog, y gracias a sitios como y

Al igual que “Once” (2009) y “Ten” (2010), este libro es publicado por Rumbo Editorial.

Si visitan esta página con frecuencia, saben el protagonismo que tiene la música en la historia de mi vida. Todo lo que me da, y también todo lo que me quita. Y las canciones de quienes participan en estos eventos encarnan todas esas facetas de satisfacción y de pérdida; estos artistas conviven con los mismos sueños y temporales que yo veo cada día cuando cierro los ojos y trato de decirme que no todo está dicho ni escrito.
Ahora pienso en ellos, y  parezco darme cuenta de que la misma motivación nos conduce por el camino de la creación.
Queremos aprender a decirle “te necesito” a las personas que realmente nos importan cuando todo cambia demasiado como para poder seguir cambiando.

“Ayer La Lluvia” tiene dos partes: una primera sección que comprende once micro-cuentos, y una segunda parte integrada por una novela corta. Todos los textos tratan sobre formas de amor diferentes. En general, el libro está enfocado a un público juvenil.

la medio siglo ayer la lluvia

El primer evento es este sábado a las 19:00. Tiene lugar en la Sala Mario Benedetti de la Casa del Autor (AGADU), donde estaré presentando el libro junto a La Medio Siglo.

Fueron la banda más joven que reseñé en MusicKO, tienen un entusiasmo hercúleo, y una devoción irrefrenable. Y además, fueron quienes le dieron el puntapié inicial a toda esta serie de eventos, Paul Higgs (su cantante) me inspiró a llevar a cabo estas actividades.
Y como en todas las presentaciones, la poeta Déborah Eguren será la responsable de reproducir en vivo y en directo diversos textos  y pasajes del libro, junto Mauricio Trimani en guitarra. Continue reading

Lanzamiento De “La Nieta Menor De Ofelia” De Jorge Nocetti Ruiz

la nieta menor de ofelia

Hoy quería presentarles el primer libro publicado por un compañero del taller de escritura al que asisto. Se titula “La Nieta Menor de Ofelia”, y ha sido publicado por Rumbo Editorial. Es una historia muy humana, con una moraleja excelente.

Comparto con ustedes el texto que el poeta Javier Etchemendi aportó para la contratapa del libro.

Una novela de las relaciones humanas que explora el difícil tema del amor filial.

Un libro arborescente que se interna en el seno de una familia y en el conflicto de la llegada de un hijo que no ha sido planificado.

Una historia que pone de manifiesto la circunstancia de que en la vida las decisiones nunca son perfectas, porque las personas no lo son. Y porque la vida no requiere de perfección sino de humanidad.

Es pues un libro rebosante de humanidad y de ilusión; la misma ilusión que nos impele a los mayores aciertos y equívocos. Un espejo donde reflejarnos y tal vez reconocernos o tan sólo la ocasión para imaginar. Porque un libro es como un collar de ámbar con la promesa de una vida en su interior.

La Nieta de Ofelia es la ópera prima de Jorge Nocetti. Un trabajo legítimo donde queda demostrada la pasión de su autor por la escritura y por la comunicación.

Enhorabuena, por este libro y por la experiencia, siempre turbadora, de la escritura.

More Selections From “Ten”

ten emilio perez miguel

Although “Ten” was the second book I published, it was actually written before the first one that did come out, “Once”. Both titles were published by Rumbo Editorial – “Once” in 2009, and “Ten” in 2010.

When interviewed in the media, I am invariably asked why did I publish them out of order.

The simple answer is that “Ten” is a book that has no palliatives, whereas “Once” (owing to its free structure and multiple endings) is a book from which something positive can effectively be construed.

I think that the two compositions I have included below exemplify that. They come from the two final sections of the book, “Vicinity” and “Distance”. These turn “Ten” into “an exorcism and an outright damnation”, as I say in the preface.

I think these two compositions pay a clear debt to albums like “The Who By Numbers”, “All The Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes” and also an album I greatly like from an artist that (generally) I’m not  really that fond of: “Blood On The Tracks” by Bob Dylan.

So, without further preambles… “I Hurt You” and “You Lie”.

I Hurt You

I leave you because I don’t want to desert you
I decompose you because I love you intact
I say nothing because I love how you react –
I hurt you because I didn’t want to hurt you

I lead you because I don’t want to divert you
I tug at your heart because I love you unmoved
I love the absence of all you never removed –
I hurt you because I didn’t want to hurt you

And you longed for morn-like brilliance when I longed for the night
And I longed for occurrences when you longed for respite

I prod you because I don’t want to convert you
I motivate you because I love you inert
I love the deep silence whenever you assert –
I hurt you because I didn’t want to hurt you

I leave you because I don’t want to desert you
I decompose you because I love you intact
I say nothing because I love how you react –
I hurt you because I didn’t want to hurt you
Continue reading

Month In Review – November 2010

One year after having issued my first book of poetry (“Once”) I have now released a new volume: “Ten”. Which is just suitable, especially when you take into account that “Ten” is the prequel to “Once”, and that the events described there happen one year before the events described on “Once”. Both books have been published by Rumbo Editorial.

I have obviously posted some poems from the book (here and here), along with a handful of pictures. I am posting plenty more soon.

As far as additions to the blog are concerned, the inclusion of Radiohead to the list of featured artists has been a significant one. You can read the general introduction here, and then what I have to say about “Pablo Honey” here.

The startups I wrote about during the month included TuneCrank, Bud To Bud and Durocast. And both Bryce Clemmer and Elliot Swan from Durocast found the time to sit down for an interview, too.

On December I hope to review a lot of Uruguayan acts, both signed and unsigned. That will be a great way to send off the year!

A Couple More Poems From “Ten”

ten emilio perez miguel

Today I’d like to share a couple more poems from “Ten” with you. As I am sure you know, “Ten” is the book that I have just issued with the support of my long-standing friends from Rumbo Editorial.

The prequel to “Once“, “Ten” is split in six different parts that make up a single chapter. The poems I have included below come from the central part of the book. This is named “The Giver And Taker Of Life”, and it takes the shape of a passing day that ends up becoming a song.

I hope you like them! As usual, I look forwards to your every comment!


I count every single step from the end
Towards the outskirts of the beginning
You were the battle never worth winning
And the episode no-one should append –
Now the juxtaposition is thinning

Flugelhorns playing
Across an empty building, down an empty street
Amid a wasted dream, through nighttimes incomplete
Flugelhorns straying
Like the truth I loathe but I cling to nonetheless
Within my spent heart, like the thoughts I don’t possess
Like a guilty antiphon –
Why did you leave me alone?

I count every single mile from the end
Towards the remnants of the commencement
You were my one chance, my one investment
And the bitterest share and dividend –
Now you transcend my deepest resentment

Flugelhorns playing
Across an empty building, down an empty street
Amid a wasted dream, through nighttimes incomplete
Flugelhorns straying
Like the truth I loathe but I cling to nonetheless
Within my spent heart, like the thoughts I don’t possess
Like a guilty antiphon –
Why did you leave me alone?

Flugelhorns baying
Across an empty effect, down an empty cause
Amid a wasted dream, through immaculate flaws
Flugelhorns slaying
Like the immanence I refuse but I reckon
Within my spent heart, like the hopes I won’t beckon
Like the love I never shone –
Why did I leave you alone? Continue reading

“Ten” Was Published Yesterday

ten emilio perez miguel

"Ten" Is The Prequel To "Once". Both Books Have Been Published By Rumbo Editorial.

Yesterday I published my second book of lyric poetry. The launch event was a very touching moment, with lots of old and new friend in attendance along with my family and people that I did not know until yesterday, and who attended the event on strength of the announcements that were made on local radio.

The book is named “Ten”, and it is the prequel to “Once”, the one I published last year. The books (which have been published by Rumbo Editorial) are interconnected in many senses. For example, the pictures you can see on “Ten” are the ones that illustrate “Once”, and vice versa.

ten once emilio perez miguel

"Ten" & "Once" Side To Side.

My good friends Marcelo Otamendi, Dinorah Santomauro, Erika Mayssa Bassi and Mario Paz played a selection of lyrics from “Once”, along with their very own compositions.

I thank everybody for being there in such an important day. Now, the day after the event, the one phrase that defines how I feel is the one sung by Ben Lee on his song “Love Me Like The World Is Ending”:

It is the first day of the future…

Thanks, everybody.

Some Poems From “Ten”

My Second Book Of Lyric Poetry, “Ten” Is Being Released One Year To The Date In Which I Published “Once”.

My Second Book Of Lyric Poetry, “Ten” Is Being Released One Year To The Date In Which I Published “Once”.

Tomorrow I am releasing my second book of lyric poetry. It is named “Ten”, and it is entirely in English.

It is the companion book to “Once”, the book I published around this time last year. The events described in “Ten” take place one year before the ones set down in “Once”.

Expect plenty more posts about these two books. In the meantime, I would like to share some poems from “Ten” with you.


Dance Across The Moonlight

There’s a cessation in my heart I seem to eternize
And there’s an eternity I can never realize
And I move across the silence that keeps me company
And you dance across the moonlight arisen in the sea

And I close my eyes to see you

There’s a question in my heart I seem to perpetuate
And there’s a perpetuation I can never abate
And I move across the silence winged by celerity
And you dance across the moonlight arisen in the sea

And I close my eyes to see you

There’s a disunity in my heart I seem to prolong
And there’s a prolongation I can never bear along
And I move across the silence that binds you close to me
And you dance across the moonlight arisen in the sea

And I close my eyes to see you


Chasing meretricious rainbows I came in here
Knowing there was no promise to reclaim in here
Embosoming the shame in here
Within my devotion
Just like an emotion

That I never bothered to restrain or impede
And what you never expressed was all I would heed

Chasing deleterious dreams I strolled in here
Knowing I would regret it all I bowled in here
Treasuring the fool’s gold in here
Reinforced by the thrill
Of pleonasms shrill

That I never bothered to restrain or impede
And what you never expressed was all I would heed

And I simply thought of you without thinking twice
And what you never gave was all that would suffice Continue reading

“Once” On Display At The Uruguayan National Library

Well, this is quite surprising and also immensely fulfilling. “Once” has been put on display at the Uruguayan National Library, and prominently put on display at that. I have no words to thank the person who put it there. I am deeply indebted.

These are some of the pictures that I took. I specially love the ones in which you can read the inventory code that has been added to the book now.

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (1)

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (2)

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (3)

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (4)

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (5)

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (6)

Once Emilio Perez Miguel (7) Continue reading

“Once” Was Released Today


I just got back from the launch of my first book, and I want to thank all the people that did show up. It was incredibly moving and immensely fulfilling. Also, thanks to all who wanted to go and couldn’t do it for any reason or the other – you were there.

I am preparing some posts now about the launch, look forwards to them. In the meantime, these are the three poems that were read at the event today. Look forwards for more poems and the pictures of the event in the next couple of days.

Again – an enormous “thank you” to all the people who managed to be there.



Tenues orillas, cielos entreabiertos.
Un cuerpo escindido en la arena.
Palabras de mares en sus ojos muertos.

Vagas espumas en sus labios desiertos.
Ondas carmesí en el agua serena.
Tenues orillas, cielos entreabiertos

que todo presencian, y en los conciertos
trazos del olvido yace Nazarena.
Palabras de mares en sus ojos muertos.

Palabras perdidas en los ojos ciertos
del brillo que ciega una vida plena.
Tenues orillas, cielos entreabiertos,

sus ojos preciosos, sus ojos, sus yertos
albares, sus ojos, su voz, y su pena.
Palabras de mares en sus ojos muertos.

Palabras que dejan mis ojos abiertos.
Palabras que impresionan la escena:
Tenues orillas, cielos entreabiertos.
Palabras de mares en sus ojos muertos.

Continue reading